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Page history last edited by Teresa Almeida d'Eca 13 years, 5 months ago



Interview for THT TV


Yakutsk State University, Republic of Yakutia


March 2010



This is an interveiw I gave THT TV while holding a workshop on Web 2.0 communication tools for local school and university teachers. Elena Zakharova, a member of the board of Yakut TESOL and a teacher at the YSU English Department, was my translator.






You can see an enlarged version on YouTube 



I got hold of this file through Elena when I was in Yakutsk for a second workshop in Feb. 2011.


3 May 2011



Comments (2)

Larissa Olesova said

at 12:26 pm on May 4, 2011

Teresa, I love it, how did you get this video?

Teresa Almeida d'Eca said

at 8:54 pm on May 4, 2011

Hi, Larissa! Lena gave it to me in person in Yakutsk in February. :-)

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