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Saved by Teresa Almeida d'Eca
on April 29, 2010 at 12:31:10 pm







Yakut TESOL Conference at YSU: screenshots of a half hour video session in Skype in which the audience asked Teresa several questions. It was fabulous to see several Yakut friends again. It felt as if I was there in the room with them. Thank you for inviting me!  :-)


Three screnshots taken by Larissa







Screenshots taken by Teresa



Elena Federova
















First online collaboration post workshop

Elena Fedorova was giving a two-hour workshop for about 20 colleagues at YSU and she asked me to tell her colleagues about my views on Web 2.0 tools in EFL. Then I answered a few questions. Here's a summary of what was said.


Blended learning and Web 2.0 communication tools open up a completely different world for our students, because they are able to communicate and collaborate in real time with native and non-speakers of English. This opens up a new world of perspectives.


Students can communicate in different ways and through different projects: by using a chat tool, such as Yahoo Messenger (YM), a wiki or even just email. YM allows them to practice the 4 basic tools. It's the 4-in-1 tool! They can practice with other English students in Yakutsk or anywhere in the Russian Federation. Or they can have partners in other countries, preferably in a time zone that is close to theirs.


The important thing is to "start small", basically with one tool that the teacher controls well and with a clear plan of what you want your students to do.


When I was asked if I'd go back to Yakutsk, "Definitely! Whenever you invite me!", was my immediate answer, with a big smile on my face.


Here are the screenshots.












After being back home I had my first (accidental: what a fabulous surprise!!!) 50-minute chat with Elena Fedorova, one of the workshop participants, in Skype this morning (for me), and because I think it has useful suggestions for everyone, I asked her permission to publish it here.


Elena and Teresa

[15-04-2010 10:12:18] Elena: Hi! I've just signed in Skype. This is my first attempt. Thanx for your first lesson :))

[15-04-2010 10:14:01] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: hello!!!!   :)

[15-04-2010 10:14:06] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: how are you?

[15-04-2010 10:14:38] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: Teresa Almeida d'Eca has shared contact details with Elena.

[15-04-2010 10:14:44] Elena: Hello! Fine. Thanx.

[15-04-2010 10:15:24] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: me too. i'm finally almost 100% myself. it's taken some time. it was a fabulous trip, but quite exhuasting

[15-04-2010 10:17:15] Elena: Today I've seen your fotos on wiki. They are wonderful. I've never been to these places :)) yet

[15-04-2010 10:18:02] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: on the wiki or in Flickr?

[15-04-2010 10:18:24] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: you should visit these places  :)

[15-04-2010 10:18:42] Elena: It was the link on our wiki.

[15-04-2010 10:19:23] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: that's right. so many things at the same time that i forget

[15-04-2010 10:20:01] Elena: Oh, I see.

[15-04-2010 10:20:08] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: and day2 coming up has many more beautiful photos. i think i'm going to divide it into two parts. it may be ready this evening. i'll let you all know in the wiki when it's ready

[15-04-2010 10:20:41] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: that's when i went to sottintsy and also to the ice sculptures museum

[15-04-2010 10:21:28] Elena: Today there was the program with your interview, but unfortunately I was late :(

[15-04-2010 10:22:16] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: wow!!! can you tell me the channel and i'll try a search on the internet?

[15-04-2010 10:23:25] Elena:  TNT channel, but I think it'll be difficult to find, couse it's our local program.I've been making my s

[15-04-2010 10:23:38] Elena: ups...

[15-04-2010 10:24:35] Elena: I've been making my second wiki about indigenous peoples of the north to our students of North Departement.

[15-04-2010 10:25:12] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: fabulous! (clap)   i'd love to see that!

[15-04-2010 10:25:38] Elena: north2010.pbworks.com

[15-04-2010 10:25:53] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: i'm very curious about everything that has to do with yakutsk and the sakha republic. i already have many links in my favorites

[15-04-2010 10:26:22] Elena: (sun)

[15-04-2010 10:26:23] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: i'm going to open it. and how are your students reacting?

[15-04-2010 10:27:18] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: beautiful photo in the front page!!!  :)

[15-04-2010 10:28:21] Elena: they were so excited!!! But I have no chance to use it every lesson, couse we have no computers in the classrooms, I use my own and my own mobile modem


[15-04-2010 10:29:56] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: thta's a problem. but remember that you don't have to use it every lesson. i used it one lesson every two weeks and the suspense was so great that there was always great excitement, interest and concentration

[15-04-2010 10:30:36] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: is there one computer with a video projector in one classroom?

[15-04-2010 10:31:49] Elena: Yes, my netbook and our faculty projector, that's all!

[15-04-2010 10:31:59] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: elena, congrats on the wiki! i'm going to learn so much!!!  :)

[15-04-2010 10:32:36] Elena: Thank you for your workshops! (y)

[15-04-2010 10:34:27] Elena: Next week I'm going to share my knowledge with my collegues. I want to create a wiki about new tools in russian, becouse my collegues are teachers of different langauges.

[15-04-2010 10:34:33] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: ok. that's enough. that's how i did most of my lessons along the years. you plan your lesson very carefully so that you can have some students at the computer, one at a time of course  ;)  carrying out tasks. i'm sure they're going to enjoy it this way. it's much better than nothing! and then remember that they "should" see their work published online before leaving the classroom. it makes them very proud!

[15-04-2010 10:35:07] Elena: Ok, I've got it!

[15-04-2010 10:35:29] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: you're very welome about the workshop! it was a great pleasure and honor for me.

[15-04-2010 10:36:26] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: and i'm very proud about you sharing your knowledge with your colleagues. if i can participate, even if just for a very short time, i'll do it very gladly  :)

[15-04-2010 10:37:52] Elena: Oh,it would be wonderful! I'll let you know.

[15-04-2010 10:38:36] Elena: And what is the time difference between Yakutsk and Lisbon?

[15-04-2010 10:41:02] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: i'm checking that now. it's +9 hours in yakutsk aahead of me. it's 10:40 a.m. here now and it's 19:40 there, right?

[15-04-2010 10:43:00] Elena: Right. We are going to have our workshop at about 4-5 p.m. and it

[15-04-2010 10:43:33] Elena: will be 7 a.m. in Lisbon I suppose.

[15-04-2010 10:44:46] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: 7-8 am, depending on if it's at 4 or 5pm. 8:0 am would be much better  ;)

[15-04-2010 10:47:22] Elena: Ok. Thank you! It will an interesting for our teachers to see you alive, couse they've heard much about you


[15-04-2010 10:47:41] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: :)

[15-04-2010 10:48:22] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: my pleasure! just let me know what you want me to say. maybe just a "hello!" from so far away is enough.

[15-04-2010 10:49:33] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: btw, can you give me your surname and email? and if you could put your photo here in skype, it would help me a lot

[15-04-2010 10:51:03] Elena: Of course. Elena Fedorova, elnikfed-at-yandex-dot-ru. I'll try to put my photo now.

[15-04-2010 10:52:02] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: great! i'll be here multitasking. ah that's who i thought you were. thank you!!!

[15-04-2010 10:52:29] Elena: (wave)

[15-04-2010 10:53:23] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: i still need to create that page for all of you to write a short text and add your photo. and i'll also create one with the certificates!!!

[15-04-2010 10:54:25] Elena: Good.

[15-04-2010 10:55:39] Elena: My daughter has fallen asleep while I was chatting (chuckle)

[15-04-2010 10:56:02] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: lol

[15-04-2010 10:56:46] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: it's time for you to go and i should also continue with my day. it's almost 11:00 am here.

[15-04-2010 10:57:49] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: please let me know about the presentation, when, what time and what you'd like me to say. my email: tmvaz-at-mail-dot-telepac-dot-pt

[15-04-2010 10:58:11] Elena: Ok! Thank you, good bye! See you again!

[15-04-2010 10:59:48] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: bye, elena! it was lovely chatting with you! may i include this chatlog/text in a wiki page as a souvenir of a first chat with a workshop participant? i'll remove the emails...

[15-04-2010 11:01:11] Elena: Of course! I'm very proud to be the first! (blush)

[15-04-2010 11:01:28] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: :)

[15-04-2010 11:01:49] Teresa Almeida d'Eca: bye! keep up the great work!!!  (hug)

[15-04-2010 11:02:06] Elena: Bye-bye!



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