

Page history last edited by Teresa Almeida d'Eca 14 years, 11 months ago




The Lisbon - Yakutsk Connection


It's an honor to be here with you this week, Mar 22-26, 2010, for a weeklong workshop on Web-based communication tools, also known as Web 2.0 tools.


As you can see in the map, I'm quite far away from home, 8.900 kms away, according to this Google map. I've considered this trip to Yakutsk a real adventure and that is part of the reason for accepting the invitation. The main reason, though, is having the opportunity to share with you all personally, face-to-face, what I've loved learning about, exploring with friends collaboratively and carrying out with students and trainees for several years. I will also try to infect you with my enthusiasm for these tools and blended learning, a mix of traditional and online learning.


I prepared a program for this week that will be based on different types of communication tools. We will also have two live sessions with guests, colleagues and friends, from relatively near and very far to show you the potential of these live sessions for language learning. I hope you enjoy the "menu" I chose for you.  :-)



Day 1 (Mon): Chat

Day 2 (Tue): Wikis

Day 3 (Wed): Audio and video tools

Day 4 (Thu): Creating activities and Virtual classrooms

Day 5 (Fri): Miscellaneous tools and Wrap-up



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