

Page history last edited by Teresa Almeida d'Eca 14 years, 11 months ago
















Audio files

A voice message is an element of interest and motivation for students, because they can hear somebody or hear themselves, and improve their listening comprehension and speaking skills in the L2.



To record and listen to a voice message you need a headset (if you're on a PC) or the built-in mic and speakers (if you're on a laptop).


Online audio tools


  • test it
  • log in to my account
  • trainees try out the tool
  • demo how to insert a link in a wiki (see the tutorial)
  • demo how to embed html code for the vocaroo widget/application (app)


Work in class

Varya's Message



Dunya´s message





  • record messages (click the "Get Yours It's Free" button)
    • choose how you want to record
    • click the "Record" button and then "Allow" to permit access to your mic
    • start the recording and click the button when you finish
    • click the "Preview" button to listen to your recording
    • write you email address and click the "Get It!" button to get a link of your recording
    • check your email for the "confirmation" message with the embed .html code
    • leave "Play on Load" unchecked
    • click the "Copy code" button (to get your code and paste it in your wiki)
    • this is what it looks like: don't worry, the software will do everything for you!

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://widgets.clearspring.com/o/4a7062ef14e338c4/4b9cb7165c05620a/4a7062ef14e338c4/71d197d0/-cpid/c537734ff589ee89" id="W4a7062ef14e338c44b9cb7165c05620a" width="167" height="45"><param name="movie" value="http://widgets.clearspring.com/o/4a7062ef14e338c4/4b9cb7165c05620a/4a7062ef14e338c4/71d197d0/-cpid/c537734ff589ee89" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><param name="allowNetworking" value="all" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /></object> 


Work in class 


  (Alexandra's message)





How to demos

  • create an account
    • fill in the "Required details"
    • you will probably receive a "confirmation" email
  • start a talkgroup
    • open Voxopop
    • log in to your account
    • click the "Star a talkgroup" link (top)
    • fill in the required fields and click the "Create my talkgroup" button
  • start a discussion
    • give your discussion a title
    • write a short text, if you wish
    • record your message

ViP: change Admin settings to Public (before the session) (did)


Video files

A video message is another very motivating element for students, because they hear and see the person speaking to them. I find that associating a voice to face and name creates a more personal and closer relationship and helps generate a bond.


Video is also good to record an interesting activity carried out in the classroom or outside. You can film a class or part of it, or you can film an activity taking part outside the classroom (in the school grounds or on a field trip, for example).

Flute (6F, Jun05)



Whether you create a video online (with a Web-based program) or offline (the simplest way is with your webcam), you need a webcam and a headset (or the built-in webcam, mic and speakers if you have a laptop).



Offline recording

Teste_12jan10 (recorded with my webcam; in Portuguese) 

Online recording

Teste (11jan10; recorded with Tokbox; in Portuguese)


How to demos

  • demo how to record a video message with a webcam and upload it to Vimeo (didn't do)
    • record the message
    • log in to Vimeo (you need an account; it's free)
    • click the "Upload a video" blue button (top right)
    • click the "Choose a file to upload..." red button
    • select the file you want to upload in the new window with your files 
    • wait for the video to upload (leave the window open, because it may take a few minutes)
    • fill in the info you want (title, description and tags/keywords)
    • click the green "Go to video" button when upload is complete
    • the video will be converted: Vimeo will email you with a link when it is ready (it may take a couple of hours)
  • demo how to record a video message with Tokbox (see the tutorial), create a link to it and embed it in your wiki



  • free
  • no downloading
  • record online
  • get a message with a link before sending it to students, friends... by email
  • the recipient clicks on a link to listen to the message
  • all your messages are kept online in your Inbox
  • you can make a link to your message in your wiki
  • you can embed your message in your wiki by inserting the html code given by Tokbox


Work in class 

Lena's message


TokBox - Free video chat and video messaging



Computer lab activities (suggestions) 


  • sign in to Vocaroo
  • record a welcome message for your students
  • make a link to it in your wiki and/or embed it in your wiki



  • open Audiopal 
  • record a message
  • look for the link in your email
  • create a link to it in your wiki




If you have access to a webcam

  • "sign up" to Tokbox
  • record a video message
  • create a link to your message or embed it in your wiki


Discuss your different experiences with one another and report next day on your preferences in terms of ease of use / user-friendliness of the tools and how you did to create links and embed the .html code


Useful links and info 

Audio hosting tool


  • a free hosting service for .mp3 (audio) files and podcasts (dowloadable sound or video files) that you may record offline (with a program available in your computer) and need to upload to the Web to make available to students, friends...
  • you can listen to a message I recorded recently in Portuguese for my f2f trainees


Video hosting tools

Vimeo (need to register; share videos you make by uploading them to Vimeo, a video hosting service)

TeacherTube (need to register; search for educational videos; click the "Upload" button and follow the steps to upload your videos)

YouTube (need to registerto upload videos; click the "Upload" button and follow the steps)



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