

Page history last edited by Teresa Almeida d'Eca 14 years, 11 months ago


Yakutsk State University

Yakutsk State University



Hello to all my Yakut TESOL Association friends and colleagues!


Belonging to an international organization such as TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) and its local affiliates - APPI (in Portugal) and Yakut TESOL (in Siberia) - opens up a whole new range of professional and personal contacts and exchanges that enrich us as individuals and professionals.


I hope to be with you very soon in what will certainly be an unforgettable trip for me and a very enriching exchange of ideas for us all about teaching and learning in general and the use of Web-based communication tools in the teaching-learning process, specifically. It's a unique opportunity to know what we're all doing in the traditional classroom, as well as in blended and online learning.


We have been in contact at a distance on several occasions through videoconferencing. I'm very happy and excited to finally be able to meet you all f2f.



Comments (5)

irina said

at 3:52 am on Mar 29, 2010

Dear Teresa! i'd like to thank you for May workshops! information was new, up-to-date and useful. the world of teaching became wider for me. it's like another world of magic different from ours. hope you are enjoying now sights of St.Petersburg and Moscow.
Have a nice time there.
thanks for all
'big' ;)) irina

Teresa Almeida d'Eca said

at 10:46 am on Apr 4, 2010

Dear Irina,
This is my first contact with the wiki after having arrived home safely a few hours ago. I really enjoyed monumental Moscow, but I was very saddened by the tragic attacks on the Moscow Metro last Monday. However, I had the chance to make new friends and collaborations, and there are chances of new ventures. St Petersburg is also a lovely city, cosier and very walkable in the city center. I also made two very nice English teacher friends. The trip opened up a whole new world of different realities, collaborations and wonderfully warm friendships.
I'll start to give feedback on your wikis and work as soon as I am fully rested. I spent the most wonderfully intense 16 days of my life in Russia and I will never forget this fabulously warm and eye-opening experience.
Thank you all for your enthusiasm for the workshop, generosity, very warmhearted hospitality and friendship!
Hugs, short Teresa ;-))

Elena said

at 1:35 pm on Apr 5, 2010

Hello, Teresa! Nice to see you again :-))
It's so wonderful that you enjoyed your trip to Russia! It was a really brave step to come to so far-off place.
Thank you for all knowledge you gave us. I hope we'll do our best to continue our work and share new tools of teaching with our colleagues.

Marina said

at 5:27 pm on Jan 23, 2011

Dear Teresa, how are you?
I have a question: the site analyticalreading.pbworks.com which I created and edited with my students is not working. It does not open and work. How to make it work? Looking forward to your reply.

Teresa Almeida d'Eca said

at 3:17 pm on Jan 24, 2011

Dear Marina,
I have the same problem with an online PD workshop wiki. I've sent two messages to their "help" contacts and no reply so far.
I suggest you do the same and, hopefully, get a reply.
I tried to log in and got this message "This workspace has been temporarily disabled." I think it means that it hasn't been deleted, which is very positive.
How are you? Send me a message to my private email telling me what's new with you.
Hugs, Teresa

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